Hurricane Sandy slamming into the east coast.
Hurricane Sandy is being regarded as the second most expensive disaster in America’s history. With at least 100 homes lost to fire and millions still without power, the damage from this disaster is estimated to reach $50 billion. Rescue organizations, FEMA, and a host of good Samaritans from around the nation, are rallying to provide restoration services to the communities impacted by this horrific storm.*
Sadly, natural disasters are a part of life. That’s why FEMA’s mantra is “Prepare. Plan. Stay informed.”
Thankfully, Grapevine has taken this advice to heart. Grapevine’s Code Red is the city’s program to keep its citizens informed with emergency notifications. (We’ve included the registration link for your convenience. https://cne.coderedweb.com/Default.aspx?groupid=zDdVjpfviGxuBOeYumrDog%3d%3d)
Residents of Grapevine, and all of North Texas, are too familiar with such natural disasters as flash floods, tornadoes and hail storms. And each one of these disasters brings the serious threat of flooding.
In the unfortunate event that your Grapevine home or office experiences damage from these types of storms, you’ll need top quality restoration services. This is where Dr. Clean comes to the rescue. The most obvious damage is usually to the flooring. But, it’s not limited to the carpets; furniture and curtains fall prey to disasters as well.
When disasters result in flooded conditions, it’s crucial to obtain the services of professionals. Our restoration technicians are on standby, 24/7. And getting a quick start on the restoration process is key to preventing the growth of mold.
So, whether you live in Grapevine, Dallas or Arlington, you can trust the specialists at Dr. Clean Carpet to provide the very best in disaster restoration services.
*(Our hearts and prayers go out to all the survivors of Hurricane Sandy. For information about FEMA’s disaster relief and support programs, visit their website for more information. http://www.ready.gov/recovering-disaster)