Sit down and relax…Dr. Clean will provide quality carpet cleaning for your Plano home.
Where is the panic button? You’re about to hit it! All the in-laws are coming in to Plano from out of town. You’re beginning to wonder what possessed you to think of volunteering to have Christmas at your home! You’ve been scurrying around, trying to get everything ready for their arrival. But, the carpet is really needing a quality cleaning!
We get it. Life happens. But unfortunately, your carpet seems to take the brunt of that living!
The old fruit punch stain from the Little League championship party just gets overlooked now as part of the landscape of your carpet. And there’s a little bit of a stain left from when your oldest had his pre – Star Wars watching party over and the guys spilt their pop and pizza.
You gave your carpet “a lick and promise” type cleaning at the moment of the spills.It seemed to suffice at the time. And, it hasn’t really bothered you as you’ve been busy living your life from day to day.
But now, it’s a different story! With the in-laws coming to your Plano home, the way your house looks can’t be anything but quality! You especially don’t want your mother-in-law to see your carpet this way!
You found the panic button and you’re pounding it! Stop that! Instead, give Dr. Clean Carpet a call! We’re going to make sure that your carpet receives a quality cleaning! It will look and smell fresh and clean. Your guests may even wonder where you found the money to get new carpet for your Plano home.
So, here’s our quality suggestion for you: stop panicking, pick up the phone and dial Dr. Clean Carpet . Then grab a cup of your favorite cappuccino and chill out while you wait for us to come take care of the carpet cleaning in your Plano home.