The New Year rang in and we all did it. Right? What am I talking about? I’m referencing those pesky New Year’s resolutions, of course.
We all fall into that trap, don’t we? Every year, we make a list of resolutions. Did your list include regular cleaning of the carpet in your University Park home and office? Yes? Good for you! We recommend you set up a schedule for 2015. Cleaning your carpet every six months will help extend the life your carpet.
We know that you vacuum your carpet throughout the week. Daily vacuuming helps reduce the amount of dirt allowed to stay on the fibers. And that’s good, because the more often you vacuum, you protect your carpet from being worn down by the scissor like grit of dirt. But, as we all know, vacuuming is not the same as cleaning.
Compare this scenario to the slacks you wore to work at your University Park office the other day. If you’re thinking of wearing them again without a trip to the washing machine, you might want to brush off your slacks and even roll a lent brush over them. While that might make them look more presentable, that doesn’t replace the need of cleaning them with the rest of the laundry.
The same is true of your carpet. Vacuuming gets the top dirt “lifted off”, but what has sunk down in the fibers of the carpet won’t come up without a thorough cleaning. That’s when you want to turn to Dr. Clean Carpet.
Are you ready to implement your resolutions for a cleaner carpet in your University Park home and office? Give us a call and we’ll be glad to book an appointment that best suits your busy schedule.
Now that you’re no longer concerned about the cleaning of your carpet, your time is freed up. Cold weather is upon us; that means it’s the perfect time to bundle up and head over to the University Park library. You’ll find that they have a variety of activities designed to engage every member in your family.